Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Love in India

नमस्ते, With the new infatuation with Bollywood and India, some may wonder, what is love like in India?  Like love in China, Indian love and dating is much different than in the United States.  Love and dating in India is changing due to the shift in societal views, but in no means is losing its age old traditions.

Traditional Indian dating is heavily influenced by the customs of traditional arranged marriages that require little dating if any.  Majority of Indian marriages are arranged by parents, about 9 out of 10 marriages in India are arranged.  Couples are chosen from the same caste, religion, and economic status.  Marriages are similar to business transactions involving two “deal-making” families, trying to wed their children.

Often before the wedding, the woman is only allowed to go out with probable husband if they agree to be married happily forever.  And also, sometimes the bride and groom don’t even meet until the wedding.
Arranged marriages in India are on the decline in recent years, but are still unlikely to disappear anytime soon.  “Love marriages” are becoming more accepted as India becomes more intertwined with the rest of the changing world.  “Love marriages” are couples that meet each other and follow the typical dating and relationship growth that is similar to those in countries like the United States. Dating Websites are also beginning to gain interest of the singles in India. 

Often Indians that move abroad to other countries with different tradition will reform and follow the cultural patterns of their new country.  In the United States, India-Americans sometimes participate in Indian Singles meetings organized by various dating websites which happen about once a month, with about 100 participants at each event.  There are no firm statistics about the success rate leading into long term relationships, but is estimated about one in every ten members finds a partner through the site or meetings.

In the movie Slumdog Millionaire, we are able to have an insight into traditional love in India.

In India some predominate religions are completely against the idea of dating.  The radical Hindu group Sri Ram Sena, is very opposed to dating and believe that marriage between a man and a woman should be organized by the parents of either single person. The practice of dating before a marriage is against their religious tradition. 

Although love in countries over the world are extremely different from one another, finding your perfect match in never impossible.  The love that humans are capable of is overwhelming and will undertake anything in its path.  Love is waking up in the morning and thinking about that someone special.

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”  -Corinthians 

Information found at

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