Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Love in Canada

Our neighbors to the north have very similar outlooks on love and relationships.  In Canada the traditions vary by communities and traditional customs often come from the native home country of where the couple is from.  Local customs and traditions in Canada were brought to the country by the millions of immigrants that were part of the native culture when these people arrived.
Canada is culturally diverse, like in United States. People from all over the world came to settle in Canada to it develop and grow in a new culture.  Today the different culture that were brought over and still kept alive and the people are encouraged to retain their cultural identities, traditions, languages and customs.

Canadians in general, are open-minded, respectful and extremely community-oriented people. Although each and every person has their own individualistic traits, their basic cultural traits remain the same.  Canadians place a great deal of emphasis on the individual's responsibility to the community and where they are from. This importance of community is seen as giving balance to a good quality of life.

Most Canadians have a strong allegiance to their province or region, sometimes more so than to the country. There are some broad differences between regions that are very visible when it comes to love and the way relationships work.  Some provinces are considered to be very old-fashioned, some friendly and relaxed and some are even viewed to be futuristic. 

Love in Canada is very similar to the United States, although you are able to recognize little traits of the French.  There are certain things that one must do in certain situations, her are a few: 
  • If invited to someone's home for dinner, take a box of good chocolates, flowers or a bottle of wine.
  • In Quebec, sending flowers in advance of the dinner party is proper protocol.
  • In Quebec, if you give wine, make sure it is of the highest quality you can afford.
  • Do not give white lilies to ones you love, as they are used at funerals.
  • Gifts are usually opened immediately when received.
  • The most common greeting is the handshake.
  • Wait until invited before using someone's first name in conversation
  • French Canadian friends and couples may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks (once on the left cheek and once on the right).
The traditions in Canada are very similar to the United States with slight variations from region the region.  The way of life and finding love is quickly changing and becoming more individualized.  Find love is like wishing on a star, or in the case of Canada, like playing hockey; sometimes you have the puck and sometimes you don’t.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Love in Panama

Love in the little Central American country of Panama has a variety of cultural influences that can be credited to their central location and influences by various countries.  I like to think of Panama as the “hybrid of love.”  With all the different influences on Panama’s unique culture of love, you can’t go wrong finding that special someone here.

Panama consists of six different native Indian cultures and each of them has their own different practices and traditions, but are very similar also.  Every province and different culture of Panama, each take great pride in their own distinctive dances, music and cuisine. 
Everywhere you go the rich dancing and culture engulf your spirit and takes you to a different culture within the one country.  When finding love in Panama dancing has a great deal of influence on relationships.  If you and your partner can dance well together, it is seen as your relationship will be successful and fruitful.
Like in Mexico, calling each other pet names and using little phrases like “mi amor,” “mi reinita,” and “mi corazon” are used in daily conversations between couples.  The little “sweet nothings” mean a lot in the dating world of Panama.

In Panama there is a lot emphasis put on greeting’s and welcome’s where ever you go.  Etiquette is very important.  Displaying that you are a well rounded person will help you not only in the long run but will help you be seen as someone that has a good family life.  Family relationships are extremely strong in Latin cultures including Panama.
The appearance of Panamanians is considered to be relaxed, easy going and live an informal lifestyle.  Although the appearance is relaxed, it is tradition that women always dress to impress when leaving the house.  

Women are treated very well by their significant other where ever they go.  Panamanian women are seen as delicate, and rarely do you see a women shake hands with someone, instead they lightly brush cheeks when greeting others. 

Panamanian relationships tend to get very serious very fast.  Men often express their intentions of marriage very early on in the relationship to make sure that the women knows what she is getting into.

Panama’s culture puts emphasis on the personal relationship with one person and typically don’t take time to build any other personal relationships with anyone else after you have settled down with your love.  Many other cultures may see this as being “snobby,” but to the traditions in Panama, it is simply just another tradition.

Because of all the influences on the culture of Panama, finding love can be an elevating exprenece.  In just one country, you may experience many different cultures and be able to fall in love in a way you would have never expected.